Today’s guest – where do I begin. Her philanthropic efforts have both a U.S. and International dimension raising millions of dollars for charitable organizations. | She sits on advisory boards around the globe including the International Council of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Parks. The President of Lithuania awarded her the “Gediminas Medal: one of the nation’s highest honors.
She is a woman of distinction | Founder and Chairman of the Hope for Depression Research Foundation; which she established in 2006 in memory of her late mother Hope, who battled clinical depression for decades.
Audrey’s life story is incredible. She gives so much of yourself. Her philanthropic work ranges from orphan care, hospitals, the arts, the symphony, religion and so much more.
When asked by someone… what do you do? She responds with grace, a philanthropist.

You can connect with @AudreyGruss everywhere on your favorite social platform, simply look for Hope for Depression.
To learn how you can support the mission of Hope for Depression, head over to hopefordepression.com.
YOU are the BRAND Working with the Everyman who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world.
Connie Pheiff, is an American award-winning speaker, new thought mentor, author, and radio personality. She is provocative, edgy, and brings a genuine humor to the platform. Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist is the Jewel in the Crown of the Pheiff Group, Inc. With her distinctive voice she is known by audiences everywhere.
She is best known as the Unstoppable DIVA. Former Corporate Executive tuned Media Industrialist. Since founding the Pheiff Group, Inc. in 2007, she has become a Social Venture Entrepreneur, producer and host of the Connie Pheiff Show; and founder of Talent Concierge; an artist label that represents the world’s most daring minds. Episodes of the Connie Pheiff Show can be seen on the Connie Pheiff YouTube Channel.
As founder of Talent Concierge®, she continues to work with today’s established individuals providing the tools to move from one stage of life to the next while keeping the passion of life activated. Learn more at www.talentconcierge.co.
Each week she brings you confident conversations with today’s most daring thought-leaders who made the bold choice to go from moving up to moving out and building a successful lifestyle business.
The Connie Pheiff Show is heard in 210 countries and tracking nearly 6.5M impressions each month. And she is not done yet…
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