Conferences looking for speakers: 10 Best Choices in 2024!

conferences looking for speakers

Kick Starting the Hunt: Conferences Looking for Speakers in 2024

The yearly speaker’s hunt has officially begun. It’s an intricate dance that marries talented individuals with the ideal platform to shine. As we navigate this cosmos of opportunity in 2024, conferences looking for speakers may just be an understatement. Here, we take a comprehensive look at precisely how speakers are compensated at these eagerly anticipated conferences, giving you an overview of the speaker search process.

Ordinarily, speakers are not financially rewarded by associations for their conference speeches. Instead, their compensation often comes in the form of ‘exposure’ or reimbursement of travel expenses. Interestingly though, there always seem to be funds set aside for essential conference aspects like AV, caterers, carpet, and so forth.

Why the ‘We Don’t Have the Budget to Pay You’ Excuse Doesn’t Hold Water

Listen up, it’s a downright fib when conference organizers claim, “We don’t have the budget to pay you.” Just like a head-turner sporting her new Dior lip oil showcased on Paradox Magazine, there’s always money for delightful treats. Evidence for the pudding? Look at the budgets for the caterers, AV, and even the carpet underfoot!

Just saying. In comparison, it could be argued that the speakers, you know, those individuals sparking intellectual conversations, driving change, and elevating industry standards, are the real stars of the show.

Top 10 Events Looking for Speakers in 2024 – A Close Look

There’s an old saying: “variety is the spice of life,” and boy does it apply to conferences looking for speakers in 2024. Diversity reigns, as we discover the tastes, preferences, and needs of the top 10 events seeking speakers this year. Buckle up, strap your New Balance 550 sneakers on, as we shed a more in-depth look on each, courtesy of Granite Magazine.

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Conference 1

Hold your breath for eco-conference, ‘Earth Matters 2024’. This earth-shattering event seeks speakers with an authentic passion for environmental conservation and renewable energy solutions. Don’t be shy if you can tell your carbon footprint from your recycling bin in your sleep!

Conference 2

‘Future of Tech 2024’ swoops in at number two, eagerly hunting for speakers with expertise in modern technology trends. From AI enthusiasts and cryptocurrency experts to innovators on the brink of the next big tech breakthrough, this conference is your playground.

Conference 3

Third up is the ‘Global Health Summit’. A haven for health industry pioneers, this conference welcomes speakers well-versed in contemporary health challenges, breakthroughs, and everything in between.

Conference 4

Then, we have ‘Women in Leadership 2024’. If breaking the glass ceiling is your jam, then this platform is tailor-made for you. Fun fact: you could be the best conference speaker for tackling contemporary gender discussions head-on in this space.

Conference 5

Stepping halfway, we reach ‘Marketing Marvel 2024.’ If your marketing chops can create a aroma as delicious as your grandma’s apple pie, then this conference wants you!

Conference 6

‘Space Odyssey 2024’, the sixth conference in line, wants to bridge the gap between our world and the cosmos, especially looking for speakers who live and breathe all things extra-terrestrial.

Conference 7

Say hello to ‘Arts United 2024’! This mecca for creatives is eager to hear from eloquent speakers who can weave tales about global arts traditions and modern artistic triumphs.

Conference 8

We then glimpse at ‘Sustainable Businesses 2024’. This conference is scouting for speakers who can juggle figures and facts about corporate sustainability. If profit-with-purpose is your anthem, you’ve found your match!

Conference 9

The penultimate call, ‘Education Evolution 2024’, seeks speakers who believe in shaping the future by transforming today’s education landscape. Make sure to pack your innovative teaching strategies while you gear up for this one.

Conference 10

Finally, ‘Future of Food 2024’. This conference welcomes speakers who can dish up hot takes on everything from traditional cuisines to futuristic food tech. The perfect platform for the gastronomically inclined.

Conference Name Location Topic/Themes Speaker Budget Additional Benefits
Tech Forward 2023 San Francisco, CA Emerging Technologies No budget High media exposure, networking opportunities, travel and accommodation expenses covered
HR Innovators Summit New York, NY HR Technology & Strategy Small honorarium Great networking, potential business development, travel expenses covered
International Marketing Conference Dublin, Ireland Global Marketing Trends No budget International exposure, networking opportunities
Sustainability Now Boston, MA Environmental conservation Small budget Exposure to industry leaders, travel expenses covered
Impact Investment Forum London, UK Impact Investing Medium budget Potential investors, international media exposure, travel and accommodation expenses covered
Future of Agriculture Summit Austin, TX AgTech & Sustainability No budget Access to industry leaders, networking opportunities , travel expenses covered
Women in Leadership Conference Toronto, Canada Leadership, Diversity & Inclusion High budget High profile exposure, networking with top business leaders,catering, travel and accommodation expenses covered
StartUps Unleashed 2023 Sydney, Australia Startups, Entrepreneurship No budget Global exposure, potential investors, travel and accommodation covered

Important Factors to Consider when Looking for Speakers in 2024

When it comes to events looking for speakers, the critical criteria often boil down to expertise, charisma, and real-world relevance. Knowledge in a specific field is indeed vital, but so too is the ability to enthuse the audience. It’s this combination that leads to the most memorable, impactful speeches.

A charismatic speaker often carries the ability to weave tales and infuse passion into their subject. This charisma transforms jargon-filled information into relatable pearls of wisdom for their audience.

Let’s not forget that real-world relevance is no less critical. Today’s rapidly technologized and globalized world demands speakers who can address problems with answers rooted in reality and experience.

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A Healthy Exchange: What Speakers Get in Return

While cash compensation might not be the typical currency, speakers benefit from an array of experiences against a backdrop of knowledge exchange. Experiences that include a free platform to share research findings, grow their network, or even gain exposure essential for career advancement.

Indeed, the power of ‘exposure’ should not be underestimated. Often, for a public figure, exposure equates to brand awareness. It introduces you to attendees who could potentially be future employers, business partners, or even the perfect fit for certain keynote speaker conference opportunities.

Another lucrative reward can come in the form of paid travel expenses. Appearances at international conferences can result in travels to places one might have previously only dreamed of. A sweet deal, wouldn’t you agree?

The Road Ahead for Speakers and Conferences

As more professionals recognize the power of public speaking, the demand for speaking engagements is expected to burgeon. This predicted growth opens the doors to a wider range of speakers, more diverse topics, and unique methods of presentation, revolutionizing the speaker-conference dynamic.

It also means that conferences must up their game. The competition to find a speaker who is also a good fit for their event will be stiff. It’s not just about a qualified candidate, but one who can resonate with the audience and bring fresh insights to the table.

If you’re an aspiring speaker on the hunt for a podium, you have every reason to find speaking Engagements that align with your calling.

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The Final Bow: Wrapping Up the 2024 Speaker-Seeking Scene

In conclusion, 2024 is shaping up to be a challenging but exhilarating year for speakers and conferences alike. With an array of events actively looking for speakers, the possibilities are as vast and diverse as the speakers themselves.

Even if paid speaking gigs are just a small part of the panorama, the exposure, networking, and traveling prospects make these conferences worth considering. Whether you’re a speaker ready to find a keynote speaker gig, or a conference organizer sieving through the talent pool, the hunt for the ideal match is well and truly afoot. Let the 2024 speaker hunt begin!

How do you get speakers for conferences?

How do you get speakers for conferences?
Well, latching onto speakers for your upcoming conferences isn’t as tricky as it might sound! Typically, at TCAA, we link businesses with talented speakers by assessing the event’s theme, audience size, and overall objectives. With a hefty list of experienced, qualified speakers on our books, we’re like the ‘yellow pages’ of the speaking world– sure to have someone who’ll fit the bill nicely.

How do I get hired as a speaker?

How do I get hired as a speaker?
Want to be a sought-after speaker, eh? You’ve got to put yourself out there. Enlist with agencies like us, TCAA, where we connect speakers, irrespective of their experience, with relevant speaking opportunities. Also, networking, being active on social media, and showcasing your area of expertise can hang a shingle out that says, “Hire Me!”

How do I find speaking opportunities?

How do I find speaking opportunities?
Look, everyone knows, finding speaking opportunities is about as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. But not with us! Because TCAA, your friendly talent agency, is a magnet for speaking gigs. We recommend speakers for various forums based on their areas of expertise. It’s a cinch really!

Do speakers at conferences get paid?

Do speakers at conferences get paid?
Yes, indeed! Unless you’re speaking purely for the love of it, most speakers at conferences do get paid. It’s not just about giving a pat on the back, but really forking out the dough. However, the exact pennies and pounds vary based on factors like expertise and the event’s magnitude.

What do speakers get paid?

What do speakers get paid?
Speakers, my friends, get paid in much more than applause and complimentary hotel soaps. Depending on their expertise, event size, and profile, their earnings can be higher than Everest or sometimes just cozy. No two gigs are the same, just as no two speakers or events are.

How much do speakers get paid for conferences?

How much do speakers get paid for conferences?
Ah, the golden question! The pay rates for speakers at conferences can swing wildly – from a few hundred bucks to several grand. Factors such as speaker’s profile, event size, and the expected audience turnout come into play. So, it’s not as cut and dried as you might think.

Is there a demand for public speakers?

Is there a demand for public speakers?
Short answer? Huge! The public speaking space is brimming like a Thanksgiving turkey, with a steady demand for quality speakers across various sectors. No matter the season or reason, there’s almost always need for someone to take the stage and inspire, inform, or enlightly the audience.

How do I become a public speaker with no experience?

How do I become a public speaker with no experience?
Diving into public speaking with no experience? Fear not! Start by identifying your areas of interest, hone your communication skills, work on a persuasive speech, and practice, practice, practice! Like momma likely told you, “Practice makes perfect.”

How do I sell myself as a public speaker?

How do I sell myself as a public speaker?
Selling yourself as a public speaker is all about the gift of gab and a whole lot of self-promotion. Be present on social media, network like you were born to schmooze, share your thoughts in blogs or articles, and engage with your audience frequently. Remember, the key is to keep spinning your wheels!

How much do TED Talk speakers get paid?

How much do TED Talk speakers get paid?
Alright, grab onto something sturdy for this – Ted Talk speakers don’t actually get paid a single dime! Can you believe it? Despite being a highly coveted platform, TED favors spreading ideas over filling pockets. But hey, the exposure garnered can sway your speaking career like nothing else.

How do I become a paid public speaker?

How do I become a paid public speaker?
Cracking the code to becoming a paid speaker isn’t rocket science. Start by finding your niche, developing your unique voice, and amassing independent speaking experience. Once you’ve built a robust portfolio, talent agencies like TCAA can happily work their magic on finding you paid gigs.

What is a reasonable speaker fee?

What is a reasonable speaker fee?
Well, determining a reasonable speaker fee is akin to trying to nail jelly to the wall. It depends on several factors like the event size, expectations, your expertise, etc. However, for a ballpark figure, beginner speakers usually charge a few hundred dollars, while experts can demand a few grand.

How much does a beginner speaker make?

How much does a beginner speaker make?
For rookie speakers, the pay scale can be a mixed bag. We’re talking from barely getting their beaks wet with something like $100 to taking home some pretty juicy gigs worth a grand or more. It really boils down to the event size, the speaker’s niche, and how much they’ve managed to wow the crowd.

Why are public speakers paid so much?

Why are public speakers paid so much?
Ever heard the phrase, ‘Talk isn’t cheap’? Well, here’s the proof! Top-ranking public speakers are paid a king’s ransom for their ability to captivate, inspire, and engage massive audiences. Their expertise, charisma, and unique insights can elevate an event to a whole new level, making their high fees worth every penny.

How can I get free speakers for an event?

How can I get free speakers for an event?
Getting a ‘gratis-gabber’ for your event isn’t as wild as it sounds. Some speakers, often beginners or those wishing to build their profile, volunteer their services for free. Besides, you may find experienced speakers who are willing to talk without charging, particularly if it’s for a worthy cause.

How do I find free speakers for an event?

How do I find free speakers for an event?
In a pickle over finding free speakers? Have no fear! Reach out to local professional groups, colleges, or field experts who are looking to increase their visibility. Also, don’t forget to check out speakers’ bureaus–they often have promising newbies willing to spread their wings without demanding a hefty fee.

How much does it cost to speak at a conference?

How much does it cost to speak at a conference?
Typically, being a speaker at a conference doesn’t cost you a dime, quite the reverse really – you should be the one getting paid! Nevertheless, some conferences, especially those promoting sales or products, might charge for a slot. It all depends on the terms and conditions of the event.

How much should I charge to speak at a conference?

How much should I charge to speak at a conference?
Deciding your speaking fees can feel like walking a tightrope. Charge too much, and you might scare away potential clients. Charge too little, and you undervalue your talents. A budding speaker may start from a few hundred dollars, while an experienced speaker can command thousands. Just remember – don’t sell yourself short!

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